First Blog Entry

Welcome to my blog. I'll post images and other things I find interesting on these pages. I cannot promise to make any of this truly interesting, but that is the nature of blogs I guess-words by amateurs. I'm on break this week and finally got this site up. I've built a number of sites, yet just like the cobbler whose kids go without shoes, I haven't really had an update to my web presence in almost 12 years! This would explain the dated photograph I'm posting here. It's from Christo's "Gates installation from Central Park That is yours truly leaning against one of those structures. Somehow I thought the intention was to mount the Gates during the summer months. As you can see--in the photo--it was put up in early spring. I imagine the graphic impact would have been much better if the orange color of these gates been set off against summer foliage. I guess Christo was lucky to get them up at all. Though , generally, I'm not a fan of Christo's efforts, I must say this is the first time I can remember the activity of an artist getting onto the front page of the NY Times and getting people in the street talking about art. Like it or hate it, it got you thinking. After this sojourn through the park, Val and I went off to the Algonquin's Oak Room and hung out with a selection of INX artists and Jacek Malek (Director of the Triangle Gallery). All in all, a very full day. This nice photo is courtesy of Val.