Dilly Dali

Took in the Dali show in Philadelphia a few years back. It was an interesting exhibit displaying a broad selection of works dating bake to his early years. It was said that upon seeing Dali and his entourage, Andy Warhol remarked that he wanted to have the same artisitc celebrity. This was one of those shows that tickets needed to be bought for and, in return I suppose, it was meant to reward the attendee with more Dali paintings than they could shake a stick at. It even included one of the first holograms ever made featuring a cross-legged Alice Cooper. I was fascinated by a painting that Dali found interesting and the curator too a little trouble to expand upon. It was a image that Dali, in fact, repainted, a spin on Millet's, The Angelus. The curator's notes pointed out that Dali was obsessed with the painting and projected much into it. Wrote a book on it. When Joel Cohen and I went to lunch we walked down the museum's front steps. Turning back you saw crazy old Dali staring back at you. I figured that when we came back for the afternoon (we closed the place), I'd cross the street and pick a conspicuous spot to stand, while Joel snapped a shot. In hind sight, I should have leaned over and twirled Salvador's mustache on the right side. Though I've seen other photos on the web with other visual punsters doing just that on these steps. Surreal!