Visual Pontiff-ication

Got a call from Newsday today and was given a story about Pope Benedict and the release of his latest encyclical on the topic of social justice and economy. It appears as if the effort has garnered the Pontiff a number of critics in the business community. Mind you, by simply being the Pope, you're going to take criticism galore. I had a number of solutions, but the final selected was this. I opted for a pen & ink drawing this time as it has been a while since I strapped on a quill (so to speak) and had at it. The image is pretty tiny and will likely reproduce as a one column spot image. It will appear in the Thursday, July 16 issue of the paper. I might keep up with the pen and ink for a little while longer, maybe even do a sketchbook sketch or two.
Here is a scan of the newspaper page. It is a little small to make out the well written opinion, but you can see how the art was used on the page.